Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Just turn off the TV! - BloggingStocks
Bloggingstocks.com is one of my favorite finance related blogs. It captures the most burning news stories with insight and commentary that could really help you profit on the market. It's helped me :). Reading though it today, I came across a story that was not only amusing but true.
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Just turn off the TV! - BloggingStocks
However, it seemed to have overlooked one other cost associated with watching TV....DIABETES. Watching tv generally causes people to eat more. Pair that with lower activity levels and decreased metabolism and you've got recipe for weight gain. The insidious cycle of weight gain perpetuates TV watching because it's inherently a non-exhaustive activity and won't tire out the overweight. Thus the problem progresses. And before ya know it, doctor visits bring doctor bills which ultimately accelerates the cost of watching tv - Blogging on the other hand is excercise for the mind and the fingers.
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